May 28th, 2010

Recently, a completely fantastical portal of swirling stars and lights dazzled thousands of Norwegians who happened to witness this astrological phenomena. The spectacle was, for lack of other words, divinely unreal. Calls flooded the Norwegian Astrological Society shorty later…what was it? Of course, the media called it a “failed Russian missile launch,” which was never confirmed, (the best “rationalization” of this irrational event was by CBS: watch here) leaving me filled with wonder at the potentialities of our forever amazing infite universe. Was it a portal opening to take us back to the mothership? The unexplainable beyond materialized? Black hole? Worm hole? Are we just tiny sea monkeys swimming in a crystal-skulled reptilian-humanoid’s fish tank? Was this him tapping on the glass of our little bowl for amusement, to watch us scurry about? Are we just dust in the wind? Who knows. Check out videos of the phenomena after the jump…careful, it’ll probably blow your mind.

Posted by Sasha on Friday, May 28th, 2010.
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